Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Previous Life Alpha Centauri System

During one of my LBL regression sessions I learnt that I had spent one of my (non-Earth) lives on a planet orbiting Alpha Centauri but also near some other star in that sector. If you happened to be there too, please share your experience. I'd like to exchange experience and knowledge about the life, customs and lifeforms living there. The civilisation there is probably younger than ours here on Earth (or was at the time of my life there) but definitely more peaceful and also has more than one primate race.

I was about 4 feet tall, hairy, pig-like headed, with large, heavy feet - there was a red ring on one of my toes. I held a short spear in my hand - as I learnt later - it wasn't meant for battles but rather for protection against small animals living around my place.

I lived alone in a cave facing the dark side of the planet. The entrance to the cave was on the side of a mountain. It looked as if it was evening all the time there, I could see the mountain tops against orange-red horizon. It was my restplace. My duty was to go  downhill to the brighter part of the planet and watch. That was the side of the planet which was on the other hand lit all the time as if the planet stopped revolving (or was revolving very slowly as compared to Earth) There was some kind of an outpost (or camp) I was responsible for. The earth was sandy and very dry there, as if cracked from the heat. The outpost consited only of a camp-fire on the ground and several buildings which looked like unfinished tents or just skeletons for tents. These were made of six poles with structures resembling tortoise shells put on the top ot the poles but with no walls.

My duty was to guard this place and keep it safe in case someone comes. I felt very alone there and missed company. I knew I was a simple creature with simple duties but still missed some company and was looking forward someone's coming.

Then I moved to another important point of my life there and there they were! Someone was coming to my post. It was  a caravan consisting of about 30 humanoids. They were tall (twice as tall as me) had tanned bodies, long faces, red and yellow ornaments around their necks and chests. I don't know exactly where they were coming from but was sure they were going towards some sea or ocean and were going to rest in the outpost I guarded. They had materials like blinds which they used to make walls in the tents. They would climb the roofs, tie the blinds on the tops and then drop the other ends down to the ground. I also learnt that the shells on tops were for their protection against some stone rains. This is why the roofs had to be so tough.

I loved their company, loved their children playing around forming a train and running around the camp. They had some cargo creatures with them. These looked like giant, pink and soft worms on legs. They were strong, large (taller than the humanoids) and seemed gentle. When I tried to lie down next to one of them it wouldn't allow me to. It was afraid of my spear. When I put the spear aside the creature calmed down and I could sit next to it and lean against its warm belly.

As I mentioned before I was leading lonesome life there, probably my species were much lower on the evolution ladder than theirs. Still I longed for their company very much, adored the fact that they had partners and children. I learnt that my job was to guard the camp and theirs was to circle to the sea and back - but I couldn't understand remember where and what for exactly - I just knew that water was of some importance. They were like nomads carrying everything they owned with them but the tents. These were set up along their route and my species were responsible for taking care of them.

Then I moved to another important moment of my life - it was my funeral. There was a hole in the ground near the city by the sea. My body was wrapped in some brownish cloth and thrown into the hole. Under the ground there was a huge cave full of bodies wrapped with brown cloths, sort of a cemetary. I separated from my body when I was falling down and suddenly noticed some other soul trying to throw its body back through the hole and on the ground. I knew it was impossible, the body was falling out of the cloth and the soul seemed anxious about it. I sent some golden light towards it and helped it wrap the body with the cloth again. Then the soul rushed up towards the hole in the ceiling and disappeared.

That was it. I realise that the incarnation I described above was the one of a very simple creature but I feel it was shown to me for a reason and know it's important to my present life form. Did you have some experience on that planet? If so please let me know. A month later I found on Wikipedia that Apha Centauri stars MAY have some planets around them which in turn can possibly have life on them;)

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